Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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Kylie 1 day old
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An update on what is going on

All of that in the last post brings me to present-day... and what is going on with us right now.

1.) Through my RTS Bereavement Group that we are a part of each month, some doors have opened for us. The leader of the group was asked to be on a community action team that reviewed infant deaths, and she asked for me to join the meeting back in April. I've been to three meetings now, and I have to say that this committee has some great things to help parents prevent losses, deal with losses, and heal after losses. This committee is also giving me the means to do some of the things I have watned to work on and get going for our city and for the parents who have lost babies/pregnancies in our area- and it is amazing. The women on this committee are amazing- women of faith, who are in the medical profession, and even several who have suffered a loss of their own. I know we will do great things for parents through our work. It is an honor to be on this committee.

2.) The first line of work in this is to make sure that all aspects of our main hospitals, along with doctors, ERS, and pediatricians, have the same information to give to parents so that they are aware of the resources available for them, no matter when or where their loss occurs. I am actually working with marketing at the hospital I delivered in order to make sure the information they give is informative, yet sympathetic to bereaved parents.

3.) The next line of work is to work on other resources for bereaved parents and helping them cope and get the assistance and support they need. The big thing? My idea for an October 15 remembrance ceremony... and it is coming to fruition THIS YEAR! That is consumming a lot of time- we just worked on the program, and basically all the pieces are falling in to place... so I am thrilled that we will have this program. It is already receiving such positive support and feedback. We really need this in our area.

4.) My personal project now is to create a foundation so that every parent at both hospitals in our area are provided with a book, a special one that I feel is so important in helping me sort out my own grief. This book was one I had recommended to me, so what I want to do is make sure NICU, Labor and Delivery, and even ER/doctor's offices have these books to provide to parents when they have a loss, free of charge. This is my ultimate goal- the front cover will have a sticker on the inside "Given in memory of Kylie Brielle Keith" and then links to our new site to support parents on facebook/internet... this is going to be HUGE!

So right now... that is what is going on. Oh- our March of Dimes director asked me to send her our story and photos- they are putting it on the MOD website to honor us! We are still, apparently, the top family fundraising team in the state of Alabama- $8,014!!!!!!!!! =) What a way for Kylie to touch even more lives....

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